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Writer's pictureHsin-Mei Chuang

Swiss Foreign Minister Cassis sheds a critical light on Beijing's move in HK.

“We are seeing China stray from the path of openness,” Switzerland's Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis said in a recent interview on Sonntagsblick. “This means that Switzerland, too, must defend its interests and values more robustly, for example by strengthening international law and the multilateral system.”

Cassis' critical tune is a fresh voice from the Swiss Federal Council which has so far taken a quiet path on Beijing to support the country's business interests in China. These outspoken words has won Cassis applause from many of his fellow countrymen. It is yet to see if these words will be realized into concrete strategies and actions soon.

Cassis' quote is translated into English by South China Morning Post. To read more, visit


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